Gradings FAQ

  • Can parents stay and watch

    No; we want all students to be focused on their grading. We do allow parents in for the last 10-15 minutes to see the ending of the grading assessments and to see students receive their new belts.

  • Do I need to bring my belt?

    Absolutely! You still need your belt. Make sure you have it and it is tied properly.
    You can find a belt tying video in all of Digital Dojo’s for every grade.

  • Can I wear my Black Gi?

    No; Gradings are a formal and traditional part of Ju Jitsu and as such we follow the traditions of White Gi’s only. Your Gi should be clean and presentable

  • Will I be allowed a drink?

    You should bring a drink; it is at the discretion of the Grading Assessors if students will be allowed a break or drink during the Grading.

  • Should I bring my student checklist?

    Yes please, we need to validate your attendance and that you have meet all the required criteria for the grading.

  • When do I pay?

    Kids: We will send you a link after successfully passing your Mock Grading. You must have payed before the start time of the grading.

    Juniors & Adults: We will send you a link after successfully passing your grading.